Sabtu, 17 November 2012

Fiscal Cliff: 54 Days Until $7 Trillion Tax Hike

In 54 days, $7 trillion in tax hikes and spending cuts over the next decade will automatically go into effect.  If America goes over this “fiscal cliff,” experts say the already rickety U.S. economy could implode.
Not to worry though, Speaker John Boehner has offered to ‘work’ with Obama to avert this disaster. What this really means is that over the next few months, the American people will once again be subjected to all kinds of threats of tax hikes and massive cuts to social programs and right before the deadline, these so-called leaders in congress will announce a grand compromise that will save us from economic disaster. Then we will be subjected to watching the idiots congratulate themselves on how they once again found “common ground”  and take credit for saving the world.
Speaker Boehner has said he is open to additional revenue (meaning taxes) if Obama agrees to cutting “entitlement” programs. Analysis: Higher taxes are coming for those who pay taxes and middle-income Americans will once again get screwed over. In the presidential debates – Obama repeatedly said there would be no new taxes for “middle-class” Americans. If you believed this bold-faced lie, I assume you voted for Obama and will somehow dismiss this lie or find a way to make it sound pretty. Like….hummm…revenue enhancements…. or taxes on the rich!!
We have seen this act played out so many times before, you have to wonder when if ever we are going to wake up and realize we are being scammed…BIG TIME.
Neither Reid or Boehner have any plan in place that will place America back on solid financial ground. The debt is simply mathematically impossible to reign in.  Meaning…. economic disaster is already upon us – but not to those in congress.  I am certain the outrageous perks members of congress receive will escape this ‘fiscal cliff”.

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